Retro Challenge 2017/04 Day 04

On My - Bad Caps.

I have the 2-pin style of VIC-20.  There is a large 4700uF cap that has leaked and corroded.  There are also two 100uF 16V caps and a 22uF 16V that also have gone bad. I was able to clean up the board and install all new caps.  There were 4 other caps (1uF 16V and 10uF 16V) that I changes that seemed to still be good.

I used the information form Console5 Tech Wiki.

The screws attaching the heat sink to the board were all loose so I tightened them as well.  The system seemed very clean with little to no bug evidence.  Obviously this system has been stored in doors and should provide many more years of use and enjoyment!

Well this is the inside.

Not to dirty inside.

RF cover removed.

Yep - Bad Cap.

I am sure the FCC was pleased.

Back side of the board with the shield removed.

Minor corrosion under a 100uF 16V cap

Replaced caps in the video section.

Heat sink Tight and new caps installed.

Loose screw to hold the heat sink on.


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