Retro Challenge 2017/04 Day 17

The Art of Moving Files

I would have been at a loss without this disk.  There is a program on it, UNI-COPY, that seems to be  a far but slow way to copy files from a floppy to the SC2IEC.  I could have loaded and saved each file but that would be very labor intensive.  I did see a reference in a 1541 manual about COPY/ALL and UNI-COPY seemed to be about the same thing.  It allowed me to copy from my 1541-II on #9 to my SD2IEC on #10 and select each file that I wanted to copy.  The real trick was jumping through the hoops to make directories on the SD2IEC.  I can really see why I was so excited with the IBM-PC and their DOS after living with 1541s.  I am getting a hang of it again but oh my the speed is really that slow!

The ribbons have come in for the printer so that will be on the list as soon as the floppies are transferred to the SD2IEC.


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