Retro Challenge 2017/04 Day20

The Printer Prints!

The ribbon went in like a champ and now I have the beautiful sound of dot matrix filling the house!
I am amazed at the hoops needed to just print a listing but back in the day I would have LOVED a printer like this!  I used an old Teletype Model 33 as my printer.  It had only upper case and sounded like gun shots.  The smell from the oil is still in my memory.  I don't miss that machine but I wish I still had it for the paper tape.  I could have saved my programs to tape and reloaded them.  Real off line storage!

I now have my storage tower built.  I still have to switch between the SC2IEC and the CN2 but if I really wanted access to both I could modify the CN2 cable.  I thought about adding a 5Vpower jack to the 1541s and CN2 but for now it works just fine.  I am very happy with the setup

I am continuing the slow process of extracting the files from my old floppies.  I might add JiffyDos to one of the drives someday but for now I don't really mind the speed.  I have ordered a serial Y-cable so I can add the Citizens printer to my mix.  That will produce a nice printout.


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